MOC Information

1. Aim

The Maintenance of Certification (MOC) process is designed to facilitate and document the continuing professional development of each certificate diplomate through its focus on the essential elements of quality medical physics. All the KMPCB certificates (TMP and NMP) including initial certification (IC) as well as certificate equivalences are automatically enrolled in the process immediately following initial registration on KMPCB registry and record.

2. Continuous Certification Look-back Schedule

MOC final decision is evaluated annually in January, using a rolling calendar-year "look-back" of the past three years. Diplomates must attest to meeting MOC requirements by January 1 each year. Attestations are made through myKMPCB at

3. Continuing Education (CE) credits Requirements and Deprivation

MOC process starts from next January after initial certification year. The required CE credits are 45 credits within the past three year, and at least 5 credits with KMPCB-governed education course should be included. The person who have a certificate should update and attest his/her CE activities with an appropriate documents through myKMPCB the KMPCB website, and personal CE credits can be checked and followed up. The submission deadline for documents is 31th March every year. The person who wants to maintain KMPCB certifiacte, one should submit required documents and MOC fee (₩100,000) within a deadline. The person who did not fulfill the MOC requirements can be deprived by authorities of board of directors.

4. CE Activities: CE credit is evaluated by MOC guidelines.

CE Activities: CE credit is evaluated by MOC guidelines
Item Credit Requirements
KMPCB-governed education course Given CEs Program, Credit certificate, Official receipt
MP-related educational meeting attendance as an attendee or a speaker Given CEs if announced Program, Credit certificate, Official receipt
1 CE/hour for no announcement
MP-related scientific meeting attendance as an attendee or a speaker Given CEs if announced, Program, Credit certificate, Official receipt
1 CE/day for no announcement
MP-related research group (MOU-signned) education program, in-depth education, symposium, seminar attendance as an attendee or a speakera,b Given CEs if announced, Program, Credit certificate, Official receipt
2 CEs/activity for no announcement
MP-related SCI(E) research paper publication Main author: 5 CEs Published paper
Co-author: 2 CEs
MP-related Non-SCI(E) research paper publication: KMPCB MOU-signed society publishingb Main author: 5 CEs Published paper
Co-author: 2 CEs
MP-related Non-SCI(E) research paper publicationc Main author: 3 CEs Published paper
Co-author: 1 CE
University (Graduate School) enrollment or teaching Semester educational CEs Official document for attestation from the institution
MP-related patent registration International: 5 CEs Patent ID and document for attestation
Domestic: 3 CEs
Any other MP-related CE activities 1 CE/ activity Any kinds of supporting documents should be submitted.
Some ambiguous activities will be evaluated at BOD meeting.
  • aMP-related research group education program, in-depth education, symposium, seminar attendance as an attendee or a speaker without MOU signned: 0 points
  • bKMPCB MOU-signed society: Korean Society of Medical Physics (KSMP), The Korean Society for Radiation Oncology (KOSRO), The Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine (KSNM)
  • cMP-related Non-SCI(E) research paper publication is only applicable to international journal or domestic journal with KCI publishing.